AI, IoT and Smart Society



Individual knowledge of and interactions with IoT in complex systems, issues for government and industry, new applications for public good, policy for transparency and privacy, and processes for civic engagement on these topics



Australian Research Council, 2022-2025 Responsible Urban Innovation with Local Government Artificial Intelligence.  Tan Yigitcanlar and Kevin DeSouza, chief investigators, Queensland University of Technology.  Karen Mossberger and Pauline Hope Cheong (ASU center affiliate) are partner investigators with Juan Corchado Rodriguez, Rashid Mehmood, and Rita Yi Man Li.  

Inclusive Innovation in the Era of Big Data and the Internet of Things:  Pauline Hope Cheong of ASU’s Hugh Downs School of Human Communication (PI) and Karen Mossberger (co-PI) are cooperating on a project funded by a seed grant from the Institute of Social Science Research at ASU. The project investigates user perspectives, experiences and outcomes associated with artificial intelligence and the ‘Internet of things’ (“IoT”).  The research team is currently analyzing the interview data, and a national survey is also being conducted for further analysis.



Cheong, Pauline and Karen Mossberger (2022) “Voicing the Future: Folk Epistemic Understandings of Smart and Datafied Lives” in Perceiving the Future through New Communication Technologies:  Robots, AI and Everyday Life, James Katz, Juliet Floyd and Katie Schiepers, eds.  Springer Nature.

Yigitcanlar, Tan, Juan Corchado, Rashid Mehmood, Rita Yi Man Li, Karen Mossberger and Kevin DeSouza. (2021)  “Responsible Urban Innovation with Local Government Artificial Intelligence (AI):  A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda,” Journal of Open Innovation:  Technology, Market and Complexity 71 (1). Online First February 2021, Open Access.

Bullock, J., Lecy, J. & Young, M. (2019). “Artificial Discretion as a Tool of Governance: A Framework for Understanding the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Public Administration.” Perspectives on Public Management and Governance.

van Deursen, A.J.A.M. and Karen Mossberger (2018)  “Any Thing for Anyone?  A New Digital Divide in Internet-of-Things Skills.” Policy & Internet 10 (2):  122-140.  Open Access.


Visiting Fellow

Sora Park, University of Canberra, May 2019